Let’s Pay – easy payment

Simplification at all levels

Through the payment solution Let’s Pay, Kredinor has fully digitized the payment of invoices. One of our clients demanded a super simple, secure and fast payment solution for invoices. Now they can use a solution that makes paying child’s play, without worrying about whether the money has arrived. The balance is automatically updated at both at our client and the customer’s end.

Many benefits for clients

The benefit of offering Let’s Pay is that more people pay earlier – thus avoiding the issue of formal debt collection notices. If the end customer still does not pay, the transition to debt collection will take place seamlessly. If an invoice is sent for debt collection, the customer is sent directly from Let’s Pay to payment via Pay Now. The solution itself is quick to implement for existing customers. It normally takes just 14 days from agreement is reached until Let’s Pay is ready for use.

From invoice to payment – in seconds

Let’s Pay is sent as a link to the end customer via SMS. The invoice is digitized and the end customer doesn’t have to think about account number, KID or amount – everything is ready for payment. Payment is done by clicking on the link in the SMS, selecting payment by card or Vipps, and then approving the payment. Within seconds the current status is updated, and made visible to both the client and the customer. The customer knows that the payment has been approved. The client knows that payment is in the account.

This is how Let’s pay works for the payer

  • Receive an SMS, click on the link
  • Go to payment, select Vipps or payment card
  • Approve, balance updated
Flytskjema Le

Barbro Hagen
Chief Digital and Technology Officer

Let’s Pay – a separate brand

We decided to position Let’s pay as a separate brand with its own design and website, to enable it to work independently of debt collection. Let’s Pay makes payment child’s play.


“Our ambition for Let’s Pay is to reduce our clients’ workload, and ensure earlier payment from customers – with a smile,” says Barbro Hagen, Barbro Hagen, Chief Digital and Technology Officer in Kredinor