Customers are unanimous: Invoice management is a job for specialists

In a customer survey, conducted in 2021, among clients who outsource invoicing, ledgers and payment follow-up to Kredinor, 79 percent say that they do not intend to insource again. As many as 81 percent are satisfied with Kredinor’s products and services within invoice handling. By letting Kredinor do the work, the company frees up resources and saves FTE, while at the same time they are confident that their customers will receive good follow-up and the money will come in. This results in satisfied customers.

Our clients say they are particularly pleased with the regular communication we have with them, and our ability to see things from their perspective and provide solutions that boost profitability.

The survey was carried out by the B2B market research specialists Aalund on behalf of Kredinor. Aalund interviewed a representative selection of Kredinor’s clients. Kredinor’s clients need help with everything from a few thousand invoices to more than 2 million invoices per year. In all, Kredinor manages around 8.2 million invoices annually on its clients’ behalf.

Good results

Gudbrand Gråbak fra Aalund som står bak kundeundersøkelsen i Kredinor
Aalund’s market director, Gudbrand Gråbak, says the survey shows good results in a B2B market that is preoccupied with price and profitability, and that wants solutions that work without them having to do anything.

“The results are extremely gratifying and provide us with unique information we can use in our continued efforts. In addition to making our solutions even better, we will also make the benefits of outsourcing clear to even more clients,” says the head of Kredinor’s Invoicing services department.

Price is most important when choosing a supplier

The customer survey shows that price is by far the most important factor when choosing a supplier, followed by technological solutions that work. The human factor and availability are also important. In particular, clients value service-mindedness, adaptability, regular communication, rapid assistance, good feedback, continuous follow-up and a dedicated account manager.
Clients want effective, but fairly simple solutions, at the lowest possible price, like right now. At the same time, the contact they have with Kredinor is important to them. It must be easy to get in touch with us, and they want fast answers and clarifications. A number of clients have mentioned their account manager as an important reason for their satisfaction.

Customer satisfaction has a short shelf-life

By meeting our clients’ needs and ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction, we aim to keep clients feeling confident they have made the right choice.  Nevertheless, situations can arise that impact customer satisfaction.
We must recognise that customer satisfaction has a short shelf-life, and that little things can have a detrimental impact. That’s why it’s important for us to keep our eye on the ball – both with regard to the immediate picture and as part of the long-term work we must do for our clients and their customers.

Profitable for the client and for Kredinor

The key to invoicing, sales ledger and payment follow-up is to simplify and streamline the process so that the money comes in without the client having to do anything at all. If payment is not made, the case is transferred to debt collection, and the client has real time access to its payment status.
We aim to have the most satisfied clients, and therefore set ambitious goals for the work going forward. We want our clients not to have to spend time on customer payment follow-up, yet see the money come flowing in. Only then will they have proof that it’s worth outsourcing the job to Kredinor.

Good basis for retaining clients

The market research company Aalund has a team of professional interviewers who carry out customer satisfaction surveys in the B2B market. Aalund’s project manager and market director, Gudbrand Gråbak, was responsible for the survey. He and his colleagues at the market research firm have spoken personally to the clients.

According to Gråbak, they found a great many satisfied customers, who show candour and confidence in Kredinor, and provide honest and informative feedback.