Why debt collection?

When the payment deadline on an invoice has expired without it being paid, the case can be sent to debt collection. The reason why the case is sent to debt collection is that the person who has sold or borrowed something needs to get the money to cover their expenses. Debt collection is therefore the follow-up of unpaid bills until payment.

Most people just forget to pay

Most people who receive a debt collection notice simply forgot to pay the bill and need no more than this reminder. Kredinor is a debt collection company that follows up payments on behalf of clients in the private and public sectors. If the debt collection notice is paid within 14 days, the case is closed immediately.

Why have I been contacted by Kredinor?

Organizations in both the private and public sectors depend on getting paid for what their customers buy, borrow or make use of. If a customer does not pay what they owe, the unpaid debt may be sent to Kredinor for collection. Kredinor then follows up the case, through reminders and debt collection notices – and keeps in touch with the debtor until payment is made.

Kredinor is a debt collection agency that follows up unpaid bills for Norwegian companies and the public sector, in accordance with prevailing laws and regulations.

Why do people pay late?

The vast majority have simply forgotten to pay. Others collect up their bills and pay them all at once, or they may wait a few days until there is money in their account. At the same time, we know that some people occasionally overspend, and end up unable to pay all of what they owe. Whatever the reason, it is important that you contact those you owe money to if you have payment problems. If the case has been sent for debt collection, you must contact us so that we can discuss a suitable payment solution.

Customer care is important in debt collection too

Even if the bill is overdue, you are still an important customer, who we and our client want to follow up in a way that is considerate and predictable. A debt collection notice is simply a reminder that the case may be sent for debt collection, with a two-week payment deadline. If a debt collection notice is not paid and the customer does not call us for help, we try to follow up by phone or by message. It is important to clarify why the customer cannot pay. Read more about the debt collection process and what happens if a debt collection notice and payment request are not paid. Non-payment may result in a payment remark being recorded against the person concerned.

If a debt collection notice is not paid, a letter requesting payment will be sent with a two-week payment deadline. This letter also states that continued non-payment could result in a payment remark being recorded in a public register.

Payment remark and increased costs

Late payment could result in additional costs. The rate at which interest on overdue payments, debt collection fees, court fees and enforcement costs are charged is determined by the authorities. Together, these costs can quickly mount up. If a request for payment with a two-week payment deadline is not paid, a payment remark may be recorded against the person concerned in a register of bad payers. Such a remark will make it impossible to get further credit in connection with loan applications, mobile phone subscriptions, shopping online and much more. As soon as payment has been made, the payment remark will be deleted.

Credit is a payment agreement

Whenever a customer borrows a sum of money or buys something on credit, i.e. the seller lets them pay after they have received the item or service, there is always a risk that the amount owing will not be paid. If too many people fail to pay, those who have sold the product or provided the service may end up in financial problems. Vendors must still meet their obligations, like paying their suppliers, rent and employee salaries, even when the revenues they expect to receive do not materialize. That is why debt collection is necessary. To regulate the debt collection process, the authorities have decided that it should be subject to clear laws, regulations and deadlines.

In a modern and vibrant society, debt collection is necessary because people want the freedom to buy on credit.

Clear laws and regulations on debt collection

All debt collection companies must comply with the Debt Collection Act’s general clause on generally accepted debt collecting practice, the provisions of the Data Protection Act, etc. If the recipient of a claim disagrees with the way their case is being handled, it is essential that they submit a complaint via our log-in solutions on My Page, or contact Kredinor as soon as possible by phone . We are always here to help with advice and solutions until the case is resolved.

Have you received a letter from Kredinor?

Read more about debt collection here