The reason for customers’ 5-star ratings

There has been a hectic telephone activity at Klarkraft’s customer center in recent weeks. Nevertheless, customers get answers quickly, usually before 30 seconds have passed. What is the energy company’s recipe for customer service success?

Klarkraft is a newly launched energy company with a growing customer base, and good customer service is a competitive advantage for achieving rapid growth.

“We believe it is essential to be accessible to our customers. Both new and existing customers should find it easy to contact us and to get the answers they need. Good customer service is a competitive advantage, and our partnership with Kredinor, which operates our first line services, enables us to do this efficiently and ensure the lowest possible prices for our energy customers,” says Klarkraft’s founder, Haakon Dyrnes.

Klarkraft’s founder, Haakon Dyrnes, explains that the company prioritises accessibility to its energy customers, as this is a principal factor for achieving rapid growth.

The recipe for success

Quick response time and high customer satisfaction are the norm at the energy company’s customer service centre, which is managed by Kredinor.

Klarkraft’s founder was delighted to hear that response time is about 30 seconds, and that customers have on average given the company a five-star rating. Some of the high customer ratings are for the quick and efficient service. Others have given high ratings for the callback service, where customers are usually phoned within 9 minutes.

“We knew we would be getting a lot of calls, so I felt it was important to find the very best people to manage customer service,” says Dyrnes.

Our Team Leader for customer service at Kredinor, manages a team that specialises in customer and billing support. The team is aware that this is a tough time for energy customers.

“People ask about everything from deferring payments to learning more about spot prices, meter points, surcharges, smart meters and electricity certificates. We are a team of highly skilled customer service representatives who handle numerous enquiries each day. Most of our callers are older adults, while younger people usually contact us by e-mail or text message,” he says.

Good customer service is a competitive advantage, and the collaboration with Kredinor, which operates Klarkraft's 1st line, means that we can do this very efficiently and thus ensure the lowest possible price for their electricity customers.

Hate being deceived

Electricity prices have skyrocketed, also for Klarkraft customers. The basic spot price is the same for everyone, but Dyrnes believes that invisible prices – surcharges – can be deceiving.
“I hate being deceived, and this has often happened to me when I’ve switched energy suppliers. That is why I started my own energy company,” says Dyrnes.

Dyrnes maintained his principles of low price and transparency from his time in the mobile phone industry and has therefore built a fully digital value chain to keep the costs as low as possible. The company only has three employees.

Good customer service – secure deliveries

“We have no hot deals, just one of the most inexpensive and secure products on the market, and a good customer service solution. This is why it was important to find someone solid and trustworthy who understands what good customer service is all about,” says Dyrnes.

Kredinor and Klarkraft began a dialogue in autumn 2020 and worked together to build a customer service value chain, which has garnered positive feedback from customers.

“I’ve found Kredinor to be responsive and cooperative. We don’t have a traditional supplier and customer relationship. Basically, it involves same attitudes that Klarkraft has towards its customers – we must listen to our customers and be open and transparent so that they will always understand what they are paying for,” says Dyrnes at Klarkraft.