Saves more than 700 trees a year

Kredinor has digitized 9 million paper invoices each year, which provides a major environmental benefit. And it doesn’t stop there. Digitization also saves costs on physically printing, packing, sending, receiving and handling letters out to customers. In addition to paper invoices, other letters are also continuously digitized.

In 2020 and so far in 2021, the digital solutions Kredinor offers have saved more than 700 trees* from destruction

Digitisation is also customer friendly. The customers who receive digital letters are notified in the channels they themselves have indicated they prefer. If they forget to read the letter, they are reminded via their requested channel.

Sustainability on the agenda

Kredinor has had sustainability on its agenda for several years, and is now seeing tangible results. We are working closely in support of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and are conscious of our environmental impact. Digitalisation and increased efficiency are a key aspect of our day-to-day operations, but are also an important part of our plans for the future.

It’s a win-win situation. We reduce our environmental impact at the same time as we cut costs. In addition, our clients and their customers are extremely pleased with our digital solutions says our Head of Sustainability.

Better liquidity

Through the solution that enables debt collection notices to be sent as eFaktura invoices directly to a customer’s online bank or their Digipost digital mailbox, end customers have far better access to invoices than they used to. In addition, they have a clear overview through our own MyPage solution. This provides better control of due dates and earlier payment
For Kredinor’s clients, these digital solutions provide greater foreseeability with regard to cash flow, and better liquidity. They save money on invoice administration, distribution and payment.

Digitisation provides a better customer experience, increases profitability and contributes to a more sustainable development.

Prevents debt collection proceedings

In addition to the electronic distribution of letters, we have also developed the fully digital payment solution, Let’s Pay, which is a customer-friendly and simple solution for the payment of invoices through text. Immediately after the due date has passed, the customer receives a text message containing link to the Let’s Pay solution – and can pay with one click.  A huge number of people pay then and there, or go straight into their online bank to pay because they have simply forgotten the due date. Cases like this could easily end up going to debt collection. By continuously developing our digital channels and electronic communications we give benefits for both our clients and their customers.

Inspiring each other

Kredinor is committed to working ceaselessly for sustainability in the years ahead. We aim to help realise the UN’s SDGs.

“The more we do, the better and more inspiring it becomes. Together, we will contribute to a better future for us all,” concludes our Head of Sustainability.

* It is hard to estimate with 100 per cent certainty how many sheets of paper can be obtained from one tree, since trees vary in size and shape. However, it would be reasonable to assume that a single tree could produce around 8,000–20,000 sheets of paper. The estimate used to calculate the number of trees saved by Krednor is based on 14,000 sheets of paper per tree. In addition to saving more than 700 trees* annually, Kredinor will implement a raft of other measures in support of sustainability.

Change in the law

Previously, all communication, including invoices and debt collection notices, was undertaken on paper, until a change in the law in 2017, made it possible to send digital debt collection notices, as long as they were sent in a proper and reliable manner. The customer’s Digipost account or eFaktura solution are examples of safe and reliable channels. Kredinor has been at the forefront of the digitisation of debt collection notices, which has had an extremely positive impact. Sustainability is a high priority at Kredinor, with several references to the UN’s SDGs.