Debt collection courses and seminars

Kredinor has a long tradition of setting up courses, seminars and professional gatherings with solid collection-related content. In a busy everyday life, the participants appreciate a program that gives them important updates on what is happening in our area.

More than just debt collection courses

Debt collection as a profession is well regulated by the authorities. Statutory and regulatory compliance is particularly important. In addition to debt collection, we also include other relevant topics, such as own portfolio status, segmentation, customer selection, profitability, follow-up, new digital solutions, credit policy and solutions that can provide a more flexible working day.

Industry seminars and professional debt collection seminars

Our largest conferences are aimed at our largest industries – with a professional component including workshops and lectures that are sure to inspire. We invite outstanding speakers in macroeconomics, management, politics, business, society, human interaction and future prospects – in addition to professional debt collection and industry-specific topics. We also offer opportunities to socialize and make important connections over a good meal.

E-learning through Kredinor competence web – in Norwegian

A rapidly growing proportion of our clients’ employees complete our courses through e-learning. This allows them to study whenever it suits them. Each course module takes from 15-30 minutes. As a student, you can log in via Kredinor Online, or send an email to to gain access. Upon completion of the course module, we will send you a course certificate.

Registration for courses and seminars

Invitations and access to registration will be sent well in advance of each course and seminar. The webinars are free of charge for our members. The industry seminars are charged at cost. The price of the debt collection courses includes course materials and a course certificate.

Read more about our courses and seminars